The Cowhand's Christmas Carol (Or T'was Plum Tired of Pudding)

Written by Zoe Bell Hurst & James R. Hurst

Directed by Jamie Sweet

Sweet Carol Christmas, the orphaned housekeeper for Colonel Rushmore’s Cross Stitch Ranch, has two beaux seeking her favor.  One is the dashing, pure-hearted cowhand, Silverado Sterling.  The other, however, is the diabolic and oily Philip Phlimphlam, who has his sights set on more than one thing!  The season’s spirit has Colonel Rushmore planning to donate acres of his land to the Tiny Tumbleweeds Orphan Asylum.  But Phlimphlam secretly knows the land is worth a bundle to the railroad companies and tries to wheedle the colonel into selling the property to him.  When the colonel refuses, our evil villain plots to take deadly and drastic action with an explosive plum pudding!  Our only hope is for Silverado Sterling to overcome a blizzard, wolves and a bomb to save the day and of course, win Carol Christmas’ heart.